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iLobby Support Program

Every iLobby subscription comes with global technical, product and billing support. This program applies to all agreements unless specifically negotiated otherwise.

The iLobby support troubleshoots issues directly related to performance and operation of the iLobby products. Issues that originate within customer infrastructure are outside of the support responsibilities and must be addressed through customer’s own support team.

For items not covered in this program and/or depending on the type and complexity of the problem, customer may need to engage professional services or their sales representatives. This can be done through the sales team or by contacting support, which will direct to the correct contact.

Contacting support

Support can be accessed by opening a ticket through email to support@ilobby.com or by telephone at 1(855)5-iLOBBY. Support business hours are 9am to 5pm EST., Monday – Friday, excluding applicable holidays. Support is available in English only.

Self-service support options

Self-service support is available to all clients and includes help articles and videos and can be accessed at https://help.ilobby.com

Shared support responsibilities

iLobby understands that receiving timely and accurate resolutions from qualified professionals is key to providing a reliable service and product. It is equally important for the customer to implement necessary internal processes, training and procedures to properly utilize iLobby product, services and support.

Technical support case categories

Support Category Example
Installation and setup

Connecting iPad to WiFi

Connecting iPad to printer

Configuring initial flow of screens

Uploading a logo

Automating address book upload

Initial user setup

Changes to configurations

Modifying existing flows

Modifying system rules

Changing existing integrations

Adding additional integrations

Enabling/disabling screens


Explaining how specific features work

Performance issues

Badges not printing

Portal not showing latest sign-ins

Notifications not sent/received

Any of the services not accessible

Application crashing

Features not working as configured

Technical support case handling

The table below does not consider possible delays caused by third parties, shipping, hardware availability/replacements, issues and delays caused by customer, and other events beyond control of iLobby support. The quoted times represent business hours.

Severity Level Description Example Target Response Time Target Resolution Time

Level 1 – Critical,

System wide performance issues only.

This level refers to a condition in which all primary functions of the software are not working or not available for access by permitted users.

Devices are offline, portal is not accessible, and all system functions are fully offline for all sites / devices / users.

1 hour

< 1 hour

Level 2 – Critical, Station specific performance issues only.

This level refers to a failure at a specific station(s).

iPad unable to sign-in visitors because the app is crashing;

Hosts are not receiving notifications when visitors sign-in;

Employees unable to use mobile pass or self-sign-in features.

1 hour

< 2 hours

Level 3 – Non-critical

This level typically refers to general training questions and system changes.

Changes on customer side require an update to existing configuration or integration;

Need assistance re-arranging the screen flows;

Question regarding specific feature

< 3 hours

5 business days

Please note that iLobby is built and delivered as an “always on” product with various redundancy, backup, and auto-scaling mechanisms in place to make sure that Severity Level 1 events do not occur.

System maintenance and updates

Routine maintenance and upgrades as well as system updates to iLobby hosted components of the solution will occur only on Saturdays and Sundays between the hours of 12:00am – 6:00am Eastern Time. With the exception of scheduled updates, the service should be fully accessible for use by authorized users 99.9% of the time, 365 days per year, twenty-four (24 hours per day).