Most businesses and organizations find it challenging to keep a safe workplace during mass emergencies and unpredictable epidemics, such as the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
With a growing number of cases having been reported outside of China, including in the United States and Canada, it is becoming more important for managers to establish workplace protocols to limit person-to-person contact and potential transmission.
A Visitor Management platform ensures that your designed plan is actively enforced in the workplace. iLobby®’s flexible workflows and integrations help you implement new requirements quickly, identify risks ahead of time, and react to any critical situations that arise.
Here are some of the ways our customers are already using iLobby® to screen visitors and employees during the COVID-19 outbreak:
- Pre-registration screening helps identify potential compliance issues before visitors arrive
- Custom sign-in workflows ask if and where the subject travelled in the last 2 weeks, as well as self-identification of symptoms such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath
- Sign-off on legally binding documents, confirming no exposure to the Coronavirus
- Full confidentiality of the data from the health screening questionnaires, as required by law
- Hard stops during pre-registration and at the kiosks, asking high risk individuals to reschedule the meeting with their host
- Automatic alerts sent to management and/or security informing them of each incident
- Using training videos and other informative content to communicate guidelines and “no handshake” policies currently in effect, as well as presenting general respiratory and hand hygiene reminders, and other protocols established to limit person-to-person contact
Screening for potential risks is important as symptoms typically only appear 2-14 days after exposure and can range from mild symptoms to severe and potentially fatal respiratory illness. An outbreak such as COVID-19 can be especially difficult to control in large organizations, where business-as-usual means a continued high volume of visitors flowing through the facilities. iLobby® can help by enforcing rigorous and effective screening for every visitor without inhibiting or compromising regular business functions.
Employees are a critical asset to every organization. Using pre-registration screening helps our clients identify potential risks from visitors and deny local access to offices and employees if necessary. This pro-active approach helps control the spread of the virus and protects employees from potential exposure.
Whether in airports, government, schools or offices – we help clients ensure that the necessary steps are taken to protect your workplace and prevent the spread. Businesses and employers need to react quickly to put a plan in place for responding to potential outbreaks such as the Coronavirus.
iLobby® Visitor Management system provides organizations with tools which can dynamically and instantly adapt to world events and emergencies, enforcing plans and policies which actively support the most recent requirements. The platform can help you efficiently share and implement your emergency plan with employees and explain what human resources and safety policies are in place during this difficult time.
Contact us to discuss how iLobby® can help you promote and enforce safety in your workplace during outbreaks such as the Coronavirus. For current iLobby® clients; please contact your representative to discuss adding additional steps to your workflow. Please note: Some features may not be included in your current license and may require a license upgrade.
Learn more about visitor management: